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Goldener Sparkles

Experience results on the spot   live with Marc Kettenbach


EnergeticUpgrade Live Webinar

Free energetic upgrade on various topics for you! Take part and feel results in seconds, get what you want faster, experience "live" how problems are resolved and feel the confidence afterwards in your everyday life. Always on the last Sunday of every second month from 7:30 p.m. to 7:50 p.m.!

Anyone who is not energetically stable when it comes to certain things will sooner or later have problems. The energetic deletion of these "weaknesses" is called shifting or correcting. Basically, the situation is simple... when a person experiences a symptom, it is a matter of finding the cause that led to this symptom. I call this cause energetic weakness. If this is shifted or corrected, the problem disappears almost by itself.

Similar to a car. When the oil light starts to light up, you open the hood, fill it with oil... and hey presto, the light goes out. Today, no one would think that it could be the light that is to blame.

Lean back and treat yourself to 20 minutes of energetic wellness in which Marc Kettenbach will release energetic blockages on the respective topic for you! Have fun!

In order to act effectively and get what you want, you need to follow special laws and apply them. It is therefore important to change and optimize the charisma that we have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In other words, to align our thoughts and emotions in such a way that we get what we want. The Energetic Upgrade is literally a toolbox that contains different tools for shaping reality.

Energetic alignment is the ability to energetically find the cause of a problem in yourself and others, and to delete it or bring it into alignment. This can resolve symptoms and problems very quickly or even immediately. The results are immediately apparent on a mental, emotional and physical level.

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Goldener Sparkles


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